Search engine optimization of blog post for absolute raw traffic is different from optimization for targeted keywords. Millions of blogs and websites leverage this raw search engine traffic by serving Google AdSenseBuySellAdsaffiliate programmesetc. and earn big bucks.
Online advertising industry has reported a massive growth worldwide. Even during the multi-year recession which started from the end of 2007, US has reported US$ 32 billion+ turnover y-o-y (year on year).

Why SEO for Raw Traffic ?

1. When you don’t expect any transaction (transactional queries) on your website or blog.
2. When you don’t want targeted web surfers (visitors) on your site.
3. When you expect the visitors to be - information seeking (informational queries).

How to Optimize your Blog Post ?

1. Your content should be very high quality with no specific keyword targeting. Adopt long-tail keyword targeting as a secondary method.
2. Optimize the headlines (catchy) and internal linking structure for better ranking and reader engagement.
3. Shallow link structure with proper category and subcategory helps better and early indexing of content (URLs) by search engine spiders.


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